Since 2011, MAPS Canada’s mission has been to change the way people relate to psychedelics by providing evidence-based, honest, public education about the risks and benefits of psychedelic medicine. MAPS Canada is entirely funded by public donations, and your support makes all the difference.

Please donate today to MAPS Canada via CanadaHelps.
Other Ways To Donate
If you would like, you can mail a cheque to us personally. Please email to arrange this. Our mailing address is 777 Hornby Street Suite 600, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1S4
You can also make donations via e-transfer to When making your donation, please indicate whether you would like a tax receipt issued, whether the funds are designated for a certain study and any other important information associated with your donation.
Tax Receipts
CanadaHelps automatically issues official tax receipts for all donations made through our online form.
For donations made through other available channels (ie. by cheque and e-transfer) tax receipts will be issued by MAPS Canada. You can email to request a tax receipt if you do not automatically receive one.
All decisions regarding how donations are used rest with MAPS Canada.